Edinburgh Builders | Property Repair are a privately owned, established and accredited, All Trades company, based in Edinburgh. A professional operation which thrives on its reputation and relationships with its clients. We employ Joiners, Plasterers, Plumbers, Painters and Decorator, Tilers and Kitchen & Bathroom Fitters.

Property Repair 
Property Repair Ltd
52 Montrose Terrace
EH7 5DL 

Telephone: 0131 478 3391  
Website: www.PropertyRepairUK.com 

Property Repair are a privately owned, established and accredited, All Trades company, based in Edinburgh. A professional operation which thrives on its reputation and relationships with its clients. We employ Joiners, Plasterers, Plumbers, Painters and Decorator, Tilers and Kitchen & Bathroom Fitters.

Operating predominantly in Central Scotland, we provide a robust and reliable service within two comprehensive but distinct markets; Insurance Repairs and Property Renovations.

In relation to Insurance Repairs, we are approved by many of the UK Insurers, and receive reinstatement instructions from many sources including Loss Adjusters and several Property Repair Networks. We are consistently the Highest Performing Scottish Contractor on several Insurer and Loss Adjuster Panels, and never lose sight of the common aim; Customer Satisfaction. 


Head Office: 52 Montrose Terrace, Edinburgh EH7 5DL 

Telephone: 0131 478 3391 
Web: PropertyRepairUK.com 

Check Us Out on Facebook :-) 

Property Repair Limited based in Edinburgh successfully carries out, Insurance Repairs, Renovations and Property Maintenance throughout Central Scotland. Property Repair are Approved and Accredited by All Major Proactive Insurance Companies, Loss Adjusters, Building Repair Networks and Property Managers.