FMB | Why now's a good time to book a builder? | Property Repair Ltd

Why now's a good time to book a builder 
Making contact with builders now can mean a quicker quote, and perhaps even a cheaper price.
A recent phone call from a BBC Consumer journalist to the FMB offices had us pondering, when is the best time to get quotes and choose a builder, and whether builders ever offer price incentives or discounts at a certain time of year. The answer? Probably right about now! While many builders are busy at this time of year finishing up jobs before the festive season begins in earnest, and most will be in shut-down over the Christmas period, it's definitely a good time to make contact with a local professional if you're planning a project to begin in the new year. As usual, always seek a personal recommendation from friends, colleagues or family, and check their previous work wherever you can by talking to or preferably visiting previous clients to see their work for yourself.

So if builders are so busy running around tying up loose ends before Christmas, why is now a good time to get in touch for a quote? Well, many of the more time-consuming outdoor jobs have already stopped for the year – for instance, traditional finishes such as lime mortars or renders won't harden at this time of year when the weather is excessively damp or cold, and particularly if there is a risk of frost. So you should be able to persuade your chosen local tradesman to pop in to view your site on his way to or from another job, and they will probably find a bit of time to catch up on paperwork and estimates over the Christmas break, meaning you should have your quote in hand by early January.
And finally, most builders want a nice busy order book to kick off the new year in style, and if you're very lucky this approach might even get you an early-bird discount, meaning your 2014 project will be delivered for 2013's prices! 
Looking for a friendly, professional FMB Approved builder in your area (EH, FK, KY, TD) simply visit Property Repair at  

Head Office: 52 Montrose Terrace, Edinburgh EH7 5DL

Telephone: 0131 478 3391

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